Crisis Averted

Well, that was, thankfully, a brief interlude. It’s harder to operate without a reliable internet connection than I thought! In spite of all my careful planning, it was still a massive pain in the ass for me to fiddle with a tiny laptop at the public library when the need arose. Though I still plan to keep the new schedule that I formed over the past two weeks. No more staying up late and try to work out for two hours per day. I’ve been clocking tens of thousands of kilometers on my rowing machine.

I also spent a good deal more time with Catherine and engaging in general meditation. Often those two things go together hand-in-hand. I’ll try to meditate and invariably, Catherine will want to take advantage of what she sees as a free slot of time for my attention. “Just put your cock up,” She’ll innocently suggest. “I wont bother you.” She knows I’ll almost always give in. We can have a session together in nearly any position, but she always prefers to have my penis pointing upwards, laying against my belly. Clothed, unclothed, under bed sheets, doesn’t matter. She’ll do it anywhere. I love that about her.

I set the site back to where people can post comments again and use the contact page. I feel safer about using those features if I can more closely monitor the website for any changes. Hopefully, we shouldn’t have any surprise outages again.

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