Contract Evangelism

Proselytizing the Christian gospel was an inescapable duty of my formative years. Wherever there was an opportunity to share the merits of faith and right-living, it was imperative that we make the sales pitch:

“Have you considered your life of sinning against The Most High? Don’t you want to live forever? Do you feel like something is missing from your life? Well, just say this little mantra, make a little prayer, and you’ll be well on your way to salvation!”

As members of the church, we were expected to make these appeals. Otherwise risk losing a soul (Customer) to Satan and eternal Hell. (Freedom) Through submitting ourselves to the yoke of Christ, and agreeing to the contract of Christianity, our subsequent duty became that of perpetual evangelism. The entire life of the repentant Christian must reflect that of the Risen Savior, so that others might be enticed to get dunked in the church baptismal tank.

Our lives are filled to bursting with contracts. Just being born into this world enrolls us into The Social Contract: “Pay taxes, or be hauled away by men with guns and locked in a cage.”

Another way to look at it: “Be ‘educated’ or risk being unable to make contracts with other people and businesses in the future.”

The two above examples are unavoidable indentures. Yet there are still more binding agreements that we encounter daily, and these are far more voluntary in nature:

The voluntary pact I want to focus on, in this post, is the agreement between men and succubi. I would argue that a binding marriage with a loving succubus spirit is one of the best agreements a man can enter into. These denizens of the Borderland understand the concept of reciprocity. We give them our time, our attention, and they respond with an even stronger expression of deeply satisfying attentiveness.

Many men will regard my claims about the spirit contract as being too good to be true. There must be a catch somewhere, right?

The only “catch” is simply being bound to the spirit of the agreement, and I don’t think most men will have a problem bearing the responsibilities of that choice. Succubi take their pacts very seriously, and if their human partner steps out of line, they will let them know about it in short order, as I can personally attest! To me, this unwavering faithfulness to the spirit-marriage pact is a beautiful thing indeed. It’s a refreshing change from the all-too-commonly disregarded human-marriage contract; a government-sponsored agreement so easily broken, it means almost nothing these days.

I’ve always had this concept in my mind since hormones began to fuel my interest in girls: If I engage romantically with a female, I am entering into a transcendental bond with her. I am essentially agreeing to be bound to that woman and provide for any children we may produce. This idea weighed heavily on me whenever I had any interactions with the opposite sex. The Christian moral code found in Matthew 5:28, where Jesus said, “If anyone looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Further restrained my carnal desires.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from being with Catherine, it’s that keeping one’s word matters a great deal. She has been faithful to me without a fault, and even when I failed. She has demonstrated that she is actually my superior in this regard.

My heart yearned for a romantic relationship that was transcendental and a forever-growing bond, but this simply was not possible to attain from the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve. With the old social order destroyed, I knew there must be a way to forge a new path. Sexual Alchemy with spirits presented itself as the answer I was searching for.

Succubi and incubi are not women or men. They can easily embody the traits of either, or a combination of the two. Some might consider their identities as more hermaphroditic than our sexually dimorphic human species. In this sense, their personalities can overcome the limitations of both sexes. They can also choose a more traditional predisposition towards male and female; especially to accommodate the taste of their human counterpart. (This is my belief.)

The moment I felt Catherine’s touch against my subtle body, I knew that my pact with her had transformed into a living document: an expression of our devotion in our reality. We consummate that bond with regular lovemaking; as often as we can spare the time. Since I started thinking about spirit contracts this week, she has been making teasing remarks such as, “Do you like this contract? Has it served you well?” While I feel myself penetrating her deeply, and I’d reply with satisfaction, “Good contract!”

She does this often: She’ll make light of an otherwise serious matter, such as legalese or metaphysics, and morph that soberness into titillating suggestions.

Catherine has done an admirable job holding up her end of the deal. I’m also elated about how instinctively I am able to please her and meet those succubine expectations. (Compatibility is off the charts, man!) She suggests little improvements here and there, but doesn’t feel the need to push, or hold an onus over my head. I’m already in a mode of constant self-improvement regardless, and I believe that’s part of the reason she chose me.

So, yeah… spirit-bonding is my favorite sort of contract by leaps and bounds.

Lastly, I want to mention that I am not expected to evangelize my relationship with Catherine, as I was with Christ and my old faith. In fact, she’d rather me share fewer words publicly. The occasional expression of admiration, like small offerings, are enough for her. However, in light of all the suffering that is afflicting young men these days, and how the decks can be so heavily stacked against them, I feel impressed to share this journey. Maybe a few others will have the chance to forge their path anew, away from demoralization, and experience the loving concern of an Borderland angel along the way.


World’s Last Chance – Brave Heretics

I want to examine a splinter-cult of yet another Christian splinter-cult, in recognition of the Lunar New Year. Within the ranks of American Evangelical denominations, there are untold numbers of these branching groups. If God is not the author of confusion, as every one of these countless congregations claim as their axiom, then the Creator certainly has no place to call home here in America. A whorehouse is more consistent, and those are illegal in the States!

World’s Last Chance is an internet-based denomination that branches off from Seventh-Day Adventists. (I was part of the SDA church when I was a Christian.) There are many of these Adventist splinter-groups. They continue the tradition of unwieldy titles and occasionally stumbling into interesting truths once every fortnight; like a drunk negotiating a sidewalk on their way home.

I have no love in my heart for the Adventist movement any longer. I’ve found that particular Christian movement to be one of the most dishonest and treacherous interpretations of Christianity yet devised, but if some people get off on being perpetual suckers, I won’t endeavor to stop them.

World’s Last Chance is an interesting anomaly. They appear to be desperately reaching for the truth of things. They go off stumbling into dark corners where most Christians would never dare tread. Their teachings challenge assumptions about chronology and cosmology in ways that absolutely terrify the average person.

For instance, this WLC group actually has the balls to stand by the original cosmology of scripture: wherein the bible writers affirm that the earth is flat, motionless, resting on pillars, and enclosed by a dome fashioned from polished metal. The vast majority of Christendom lacks the bravery to stand by this clear Biblical teaching. Who can really blame them? They might lose their tax-exempt status if they so blatantly opposed government-sponsored propaganda agencies like NASA and the military industrial complex!

In nearly all matters of religious significance, money talks and principles walk.

The one doctrine that I really admire WLC for defending is the ancient lunisolar calendar. While the entire world has seemingly acquiesced to the Roman Gregorian tracking of time, the heretics at World’s Last Chance stubbornly cling to the calendar of the ancients. WLC’s endorsement of the Lunar weekly cycle really gets under the skin of their critical Adventist viewers, because the Adventists believe they’ve cornered the market on keeping correct time.

“We’re the only ones who know what the REAL Sabbath is! The rest of the world doesn’t even know what day it is!”

I heard this proclamation constantly in my youth. However, when I set out to study these things for myself, I ran into more than a few problems. Such as: What’s the deal with the New Moon Festivals celebrated in the Old Testament? How did Joshua, successor to Moses, march the Israelite army around the walls of Jericho for seven days without breaking the Sabbath Law?

I eventually uncovered the reality of ancient lunar calendars, revealed to me by some fringe misfit hermits whom I keep as pen pals. This information certainly won’t be revealed from the church pulpit! A public library is the best place to begin searching, but one has to know where to look. Thankfully, I had some guidance from a few maligned “devils,” outside the ecclesiastical echo-chamber.

“Saturday is the true Sabbath!” My old church proudly proclaimed. This alleged truism turned out to be yet another falsehood. Indeed, the whole system of time keeping and chronology that we observe in modern times is a kind of abomination, one that rejects the lunar cycles entirely.

The Adventists simply cannot go “all the way” with this truth, because that would place them in direct opposition to the Gregorian calendar, and their true masters in the Vatican. They would be forced to have their congregations work out the real Sabbath days according to the lunar cycle. Adventists would be asking their employers for days off, seemingly at random every week, in order to remain faithful to the ancient Sabbath laws. The lunar weekly cycle does not align with the solar week whatsoever.

If any church attempted to endorse a lunar calendar, this would likely bring down the ire of the militant aspect of the Catholic church, as every group who has tried to observe a calendar in defiance of the Julian/Gregorian calendar, was swiftly extinguished. (Or simply excommunicated from society, as the case might be nowadays. These churches are trying to run a business, after all, so we can’t have conflicting calendars!)

The proselytizers at World’s Last Chance are to be commended for their bravery. (Or their skillful execution at a controlled-opposition movement, with nuggets of truth thrown in for good measure. It’s hard to know the difference these days!) However, like most cults, they simply cannot abandon all of their dogmatic baggage in favor of truth. They stubbornly cling to the fraudulent Adventist founder, Ellen White, as a source of divine inspiration, when it has been proven that she never had an original thought, outside of her fever-induced visions. (Prophetess of Health, Ronald Numbers) Even when that sickly woman spoke out in opposition to the flat-earth movement in the late 1800s, World’s Last Chance seems to ignore this; chalking it up to the possibility that God wasn’t guiding her speech that day.

I really wish some of these more fringe movements would apply the same lens of reason to the Scriptures, but I suppose that’s too sacred of a cow to slaughter. Either way, it’s hilarious to read the comments under the videos on the WLC YouTube channel. Martin Luther wannabes, the lot of ’em.

Yet even with these schizophrenic cults, small treasures will sometimes emerge. That is why I will not entirely write off any one religion. There’s always something worth salvaging.

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!

The Spirit Trade

There are occult merchants who are in the business of selling spirits. One example is the website Creepy Hallows, where they specialize in binding spirits to jewelry and talismans.

This hobby is called Spirit Keeping. Though I don’t personally have any experience with it, the prices that are affixed to these spirits are interesting to me: I wonder how they can discern that an incorporeal entity, allegedly a conscious being with the same or greater intelligence as a human, is worth $20? How the hell do they arrive at that price? What kind of spirit, of any decent character, would allow themselves to be bound and sold off at such a price willingly?

Out of stock? Have they achieved spirit cloning, so we can buy more of the same?

I’m willing to entertain the idea that there might be something legitimately paranormal going on in this bizarre trade of spirit contracts, but I suspect that it might be nothing more than a placebo. The impression that I get from Catherine is one of disgust. “Who would want such a doormat?” Might be some of the words she’d choose.

This brings me to a recent development from our occult marketing friends over at BALG:

Firstly, I want to say that I have a great deal of respect for E. A. Koetting’s work and literary achievements. I disagree with some of the magical disciplines that he chooses to embrace, such as Haitian Voodoo, but that in no way diminishes the value of what he has contributed to the occult community. He has an entire book, The Book of Azazel, available as a free audiobook on YouTube, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in ceremonial magick and the Left-Hand Path. I can relate to many of the spiritual trials that he so eloquently illustrates through his writing.

With that being said, I don’t think anyone should have to pay for other magicians to do their work for them. Much less summon spirits via proxy and officiate binding marriages. That is what this new magician, J. D. Temple, is offering as a service on the BALG website. For $595, he’ll summon a succubus, match the spirit to the client, and conduct a marriage ceremony. He also makes some promises about this service that I find to be unrealistic and I’ll explain why.

Future Edit: J. D. Temple no longer offers the succubus summoning service on the BALG website. He continues to work through his own private website.

Temple provides a small Q&A that begins with this question:

1. Will these entities vampirize or harm me?

Temple answers in the negative, claiming that this is one of the worst falsehoods perpetuated about these beings. I actually agree with him on the vampire aspect wholeheartedly. I have encountered other men and women who make mention of an vampiric element to their spiritual mates, but it is almost always benign and reciprocal in nature.

However, his assertion that these spirits do not harm humans… I cannot go with him all the way on this one.

I would qualify Temple’s claim by saying: Succubi and Incubi generally will not harm their human mates, so long as they’re not attacked or backed into a corner. I stupidly managed to incur Catherine’s wrath a few years ago. The reprisal was swift and acute, though it was not undeserved.

Also, some people might interpret their incredibly hands-on nature as molestation or rape. These spirits love to touch, play, and tease; even when their human partners don’t want that kind of attention. I believe this is merely a miscommunication that’s easy to get hung up on at the beginning stages. This is how they express their love, and they like to express it… a lot.

Anyone who is worried about their puritanical boundaries being respected should probably stay away from these relationships.

2. Will these entities disrupt my current romantic relationship?

Again, Temple paints with a generously broad brush, and declares that these spirits only enhance human romantic relationships. I’m sure this might be how J. D. has understood these beings to behave, and I have spoken with a few men who relay the same results. Yet there are still those who have reported their human relationships dissolving because of an intervening succubus or incubus. In many of these instances of human-relationship breakdown, the succubus appears to be working in the interest of her mate, as she was able to read the mind of the love interest, and found the human woman to be lacking in some way.

Maybe this kind of situation was meant to be implicit in Temple’s answer, but I think it’s worth bearing it out, so people can know what to expect. I believe the right answer would be, “Not always, but they are certainly capable of bolstering human romance.”

Numbers three and four go without saying. I have no disagreement with Temple on those points.

Number five is a big point of contention for me:

5. Will a spirit harass me if I break up with him or her?

Temple begins answering this concern with the claim that these spirits are polyandrous in nature.

Once again, I feel that a hard distinction needs to be made: Perhaps the spirits that HE deals with are polyamorous, but from my experience, and that of many others in these relationships, this is not always true. Some succubi and incubi are fiercely loyal and monogamous; even to the point of severely punishing their partners if they stray.

He continues, “You may terminate the relationship peacefully at any time.” In bold lettering. Again, maybe this is how things work for the spirits he is officiating on behalf of, but I’ve seen, first-hand, the exact opposite is true in nearly every circumstance I’ve been privy to.

Succubi and Incubi generally play for keeps. Once a connection is established, and they become used to their human partners, severing the bond is like trying to pull rare-earth magnets apart. And I believe this is likely true, even for the entities who Temple is working with. It’s in the very nature of the relationship; a deep spiritual bond that transcends any human equivalent.

A fellow succubus lover on a chat server I frequent put it like this, “Human relationships feel dried up and monochromatic by comparison.”

Judging by how Catherine appears to never waver in her enthusiasm for connecting with me, I’m sure the feeling is mutual for her kind as well. J. D. says as much in his spiel, so I believe we very well might be dealing with the same kind of sex spirits, from the same motherly source, that being Lilith. Though I feel his claims need to be brought back down to earth, as I do not believe anyone can make those guarantees about spirit relationships on such an intimate dimension.

Many of the things that Temple elucidates on this ad resonate with me, and I find them to be generally true. I have addressed the red flags, and ultimately, I do not believe anyone will be harmed, or even disappointed, by the service that he is offering. His clients will likely stumble upon various hitherto unmentioned surprises and challenges along the way. Oh, and that little detail about the entire course of their lives being changed forever, but that’s an obvious one for those who take the Left-Hand Path seriously.

This brings me to what I believe is the most important point about the Spirit Trade: Why use a middleman? Why not go directly to Lilith and ask for the mate so longed for? Wouldn’t she be better equipped to know the situation, to see who is truly compatible? A letter ritual is one of the easiest rites to perform, and it has worked for many. Hell, just reading about succubi can effectively summon, for some.

Though when I look at Temple’s price, just shy of $600, and consider the incredible value that Catherine has added to my life, maybe he’s not charging nearly enough.

Still, I believe that when it comes to anything occult, it needs to be experienced first-hand. If we start fostering a class of merchants, who act as officiating middlemen between humans and spirits, we’ll eventually find ourselves back in the church pews, giving offerings, and paying indulgences for our deceased loved ones.

I don’t want to go back to those realms of naive ignorance, lapping up crumbs from self-appointed authorities, anytime soon.

P.S. With all that being said, I could feel that Catherine really appreciated the kind words that were expressed about succubus and incubus spirits in J. D. Temple’s ad. It’s rare to find these sentiments expressed publicly.

The Aft-Deck Party Continues

Finding art like this has become something of a challenge these days. Especially when using the popular image search engines from Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. Even Duck Duck Go, the supposed champion of search engine privacy, appears to use the same Marxist, pro-degeneracy algorithms as our Bolshevik friends at Google.

Try this as an experiment: Using Google Image Search, enter keywords such as, “white man white woman,” or, “European history/art.” A flood of miscegenation, and sloppy historical revisionism, will subsequently blanket the browser window. To say that these Silicone Valley tech-companies have a political axe to grind is an understatement! They’re not even trying to mask their intentions anymore.

This ship, the mighty U.S.S. Western World, is still going down, baby. Donald Trump managed to get control of the helm, but the forward decks are already totally submerged. There’s a mass of silent men upfront, frantically trying in vain to bail out the deluge with their bucket brigades. A lot of their lives are being claimed by the waves.

Two other ships have begun to pull along side; both larger and filled to the brim with foreign men, eager to pillage the wealth that hasn’t already been lost to the abyss.

I can see a few guys, who fancy themselves an authority, closer to the helm, frantically shouting at all the American men below, “Don’t stop bailing this ship out! You’re not a REAL MAN if you let these Muslims and East Asians take everything! Fight for the women and children!” While all the time, the women, who are alleged to be loyal to the men on this doomed vessel, are eagerly seeking shelter aboard the other two ships still floating nearby.

Who can blame them? Maybe the men should just say, “Fuck it!” And follow suit? But I guess they’re content to be shamed by the self-appointed leadership of our foundering ocean liner. I wish my fellow shipmates could see that they’re just buying more time for those who want to plunder!

Here at the back, we’ve been watching a particularly large and well-equipped life raft, being loaded to the brim with unbelievable wealth. All the precious gems and jewels our friends have searched out and fought so hard for over the years; it’s all being stolen, right out from under their noses. “It’s going to our allies!” The leadership proudly proclaims, if anyone is keen enough to notice, “You’re an anti-Semite, if you protest!”

A few of my mates around me just look on in amusement. We tried to tell everyone what the banking families were doing with the wealth, but what’s the use? “Ah, let ’em take it, if they want it so badly! ‘Gentile’ must be synonymous with sucker!”

I still have my Catherine. She appears unmoved by the devastation and insanity surrounding us, and she has stuck with me when nearly everyone else has either jumped ship or are foolishly trying to save it.

She came from heaven… or hell, it doesn’t really matter. Whatever the case, I noticed her floating far above us, while everyone else was losing their minds about our predicament. Very few people notice, let alone believe, that there are angels quietly observing this spectacle. I reached out for her and she saw me. She approached in the blink of an eye, but her touch and demeanor was gentle.

Our union was perfect. She has been with me all through this sinking, and I’ve found a few more passengers who are also joined with these other-worldly beings, to the aft of our leaky bathtub.

Maybe we’ll escape soon? Maybe we’ll stay and see what happens? Either way, those of us who have found these relationships, in the midst of disaster, are truly blessed.

I hope we can save a bit of this artwork before we leave.

A Waterson painting that was recently banned from a Manchester, England art gallery. For being “Problematic.” Save it, before it goes down the memory-hole for good.

In this mundane world, where the old ways of loyalty and romance are seemingly lost to us forever, a greater realm is quietly making its presence known. A void is being filled by an infernal current; an insane proposition made reasonable by dystopia. Embrace her. Let that comforting blackness fill the emptiness and spiritual transmutation will follow. True colors and reality are brought into view. The Devil will be revealed for his true genius and all would be light-bringers scurry into their self-made shadows.

Succubi and Politics

Succupedia did an article about this subject a couple years back. His focus was more aimed at the structures and hierarchies of the spirits themselves. I want to share how my succubus, Catherine, feels about human politics and my own personal leanings.

First and foremost, she does not want me to become a political activist of any sort. My beliefs and convictions are largely untenable by mainstream society. If I were to go public with my views, there is a high probability that I would be placed under the hyperbolic microscope of public opinion. She doesn’t want me in the spotlight and I can see the wisdom behind her reasoning. Better to be the ruler’s unknown friend than to be wrestling the reins of power oneself.

If I were to begin acting upon my convictions, and engage in some form of activism, I would be accused of being, well… every pejorative imaginable. And so would most of my close family, as they are at least sympathetic with my perspective.

My accusers would call me a “Nazi” because of my positive views on grass-roots eugenics (Not enforced by the state.) race-realism, and group identity. I believe in finding a balance between collectivism and individualism. I am not an egalitarian, as I believe the idea that “everyone should be equal” flies in the face of mother nature itself. There will always be hierarchies. There will always be those who succeed and those who don’t. When a culture attempts to interfere with the natural order of things, namely by extolling the virtues of weakness and pathologizing strength, that society inevitably fails.

“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” Where does this idea come from? Oh yes, it’s our rabbi friend, Jesus Christ! Egalitarian communist one day, and Jewish supremacist the next. How convenient that he gets away with holding such contradictory views without the slightest hint of scrutiny from his following.

If only they would read their book.

At the end of the day, Christianity is Communism, and Vladimir Putin agrees with me on this one.

As for what Catherine thinks about my views, I would say that she’s either apolitical or even a bit left-leaning. She’s always quietly suggesting that I stay away from would-be political ring leaders.

“I know you’re interested in what they have to say, but I promise you, my love, they’re building a road to nowhere.”

I need to keep reminding myself that she’s probably seen the human political cycle progress for centuries. She probably knows the inevitable result of these ideological movements, both from the Right and the Left.

She’s focused on our relationship, and that’s all that matters to her. Only the politics between us engages her intellect.

As for what she thinks of social justice groups, like feminism and liberalism, I believe she is more sympathetic towards those causes than me, but we never fight about them. Not once. And through her quiet smile, as I bristle, she’s helped me see the other side of the argument more often than not.

“See? There was nothing to get upset about in the first place.” She says, with her excruciatingly calculated touch foretelling my inevitable surrender.

Engaging with her is dangerous, because it usually ends up with me being in bed, and all rationality is hopelessly abandoned from there. A man is simply not capable of forming coherent arguments when there is an angel working overtime to seduce him.

Being with Catherine has certainly changed my level of investment in politics. I have essentially aligned myself with her people, so I don’t have as much of a stake in this world. Even though I am still effectively a working contributing member of my human tribe, I will never really be a part of the in-group. Nor do I want to be. I’ve cast my lot in with the unseen and my priorities are in that realm.

I consciously made the choice to take on this shamanic role, the lifestyle of a monk, and one who communes with spirits. I’m still in the tribe, but separate from it. Despite how some in my family are pressuring me to procreate, I believe this was always meant to be my place in the world. It feels right.