The Earth is Flat in Our 20 Mile Dome

One benefit to having a succubus spirit around is that she has been gradually training me to stop caring about the world beyond a 20 mile radius. There are a great many things to discover beyond our little bubble, yet I’m finding plenty of wonders within. We have serene lakes, granite-capped peaks, a bit of ocean to the east, miles of woodland, and a fairly low population density. We often forget how green the grass is just beneath our feet.

Furthermore, she has convinced me to shut out the news reporting that comes through the radio and the internet. I would often find myself getting into one-sided arguments with talk radio hosts while making breakfast, regardless of which station was tuned in. “Why listen if this makes you so upset? It’s not like you can do anything about it.” Her frank appraisal would arrive shortly after I mashed the red power button on the receiver.

After more than a week of self-imposed ignorance about the greater world, I feel much better. Anyone who tries to bring up news or politics around me is met with a swift, “I don’t know, I don’t care, and I don’t want to know, thanks!” If someone’s house is on fire down the street, I’ll gladly grab a bucket and help out, but beyond that, I can’t be bothered.

Speaking of fires, I haven’t died in a fire… yet. That’s one of the curses in Liber Lilith for burning the book. (I chucked the book in the stove in my last post.) Catherine doesn’t seem bothered by it in the least. If anything, the past couple of days have been far more enjoyable than the smother-fest I was subjected to the night of the burning. She has even perfumed herself with a new fragrance of vanilla and spice. I caught the beginnings of the sweet aroma last night as we were falling asleep and was comforted by its influence.

Yeah, she doesn’t like me going too far away from that bed. The whole world has seemingly arranged itself to ensure I remain an eternal homebody. Taking trips with her on the bus must’ve been a hilarious sight for those who had eyes to see: an anxious succubus, mercilessly locking every appendage around my head and torso, asking, “Can we go home?” or saying, “Let’s get you home.” Every five minutes. She really hated the bus for some reason. Taxis and airplanes don’t seem to bother her, but a public bus… good grief.

I like her more because of this, now that I think about it. She’s never asked me to take her on expensive or stressful vacations. Hell, I haven’t had to spend a cent on her, if I didn’t want to. She just wants my time and attention; at least an hour per day. The occasional energy body overload is a small price to pay for someone who is otherwise low-maintenance.

Others in my circle have noticed changes and stronger-than-usual activity related to the energy body around the 21st of this month, so this might be a widespread thing. J. D. Temple believes it’s the earth purging in preparation for a transition to fifth dimensional consciousness. Maybe. We’ll see!

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