Stop Being Wishy Washy!

Coast to Coast AM is the last good radio broadcast on the airwaves. Not only is the show edifying, the topics discussed are often timely and synchronistic in nature. Catherine also enjoys the program, as the subject matter consistently touches upon her world and the guests speak about beings like her in a positive way. One of the interviewees who appeared a couple of nights ago was a former US Navy service member named Matthew Roberts. He was present during the capturing of the famous “gimbal” or “Go Fast” UFO footage.

His story was much less about the first UFO event officially recognized by the United States government and had more to do with the paranormal circumstances before and after that fateful encounter. His testimony sounded a great deal like that of many succubus and incubus contactees. He described synchronistic events, sleep paralysis, night terrors, and his entire worldview falling to pieces as he was confronted head on by the paranormal. He also went into a bit of detail about his first sexual encounter with a beautiful blue-skinned lady who insisted herself upon him.

The story was wild and all too familiar, so I had to investigate further. I’ve been reading his book, Initiated, over the past couple of days. It’s quite consistent with many of the ordeals I and others have gone through. He compares the utter collapse of his formerly proud atheistic predisposition with that of a painful initiation process from the ancient mystery schools in Greece. The same can be said for succubus experiencers, as the consistent presence of a supernatural being in ones life forces a paradigm shift. The simple act of these spirits being present and perceivable is painful enough for some, as was the case for Mr. Roberts. I couldn’t help but chuckle at some of the phenomena he experienced that subsequently sent him into a tailspin. A lot of it seemed so minor, and even fun to me, yet this guy was coming from a completely different mindset; one that did not allow for the supernatural. So it broke him down.

That’s the reason why I renamed my blog the way I did. When I came back from the trials of 2014, my physical body was being wracked by a painful initiation. Never again could I deny the paranormal element of my life, as the reality of it was being forcefully hammered into me. I was being reborn through her ultra-violet flames. Hence, Alchemy by Fire.

One of the realizations that Mr. Roberts revealed about a quarter way through the book was the need for consistent attention and focus. We often lack good focus these days, especially since there is such a myriad of choices presented to us. We’re paralyzed by the variety of options. I am guilty of this. Even when I finally make a decision, I’ll find myself wavering from my initial goal and being swayed by distractions. My desire is high, but the will to see those desires to fruition is dismally low. According to Mr. Roberts, and the entities who took him under their wings, this is one of the biggest problems that humanity faces. In light of this, the sayings of Jesus start to make a whole lot more sense:

“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to move from here to there and it will do it. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

I need to start focusing my own willpower and attention more consistently. It was this kind of drive that brought Catherine into my life. I should start applying that energy in a new direction and not be so easily pulled off of the path.

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