State of Being – Not Doing

Is there some great story to be written about our time together? Have we traveled far and seen wonders that words cannot express? Has the intimacy between us grown stronger as the years pass? My answer would be “yes” to all three questions. Yet I feel that I cannot write the story, or adequately express in words all that we’ve seen and done. From one perspective, we have appeared to not do anything, rather just enjoyed a state of being – a oneness. There’s no need to go anywhere or engage in some great activity. Simply being together in the quiet will more than suffice.

From my perspective, though we do not move from our meditative state for hours upon hours, we travel a great distance without even trying. This so-called waking world is steadily becoming a dreamland to me. Catherine gently pulls me into the realms that she is familiar with and I feel more at home there. My consciousness is splitting as I begin to inhabit two worlds at once. All of my effort that isn’t spent sitting before this magic mirror, or the chores of daily living, is devoted towards exploring those subtle realities.

I want to bring her world closer to my own. I am ushering the Kingdom of Heaven into this state of awareness, here and now. Hers is a more reasonable and ordered reality than the one we currently find ourselves in, ironically enough. When I look out into this realm of my human origin, I see a tangled web of lies with the bulk of humanity thoroughly caught. Most seem to enjoy their special brand of deception, while others just endure it.

“What can we do?” They ask. “There’s no escape.”

Some have accused me of falling for yet more illusions and delusions spun by incorporeal seamstresses. I am open to being proven wrong, but there has yet to be a single person who can demonstrate my error. They all appeal to authorities with no evidence, experiential or otherwise. Though Catherine playfully pins me down with the strength of a warrior during our out-of-body escapades, we spend just as much time flying – wild, weightless, and free through all the worlds above. There I feel truly liberated. There is so much freedom that it frightens me, a little man accustomed to his gilded cage of trite electronic diversions. Speaking about these adventures seems to frighten others even more so.

Where I see beautiful angelic beings trying to help me see above the clouds, others perceive old hags with rotting flesh dragging them to an unsavory underworld.

“Let not then your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Romans 14:16,17

The Kingdom of God is a way of being; not a physical address or an appointed time in the hereafter. We can’t travel there, or do any good deeds to be worthy of entering. Rather, we live by faith, as the churches attempted to teach us but few understood. We live with the assurance that Heaven is already here – it is within us, our state of consciousness. No matter what happens to these physical bodies, or any number of astral bodies in the finer realities, we always carry and plant the seeds of creation with every thought as we go along. We make all of this happen, both collectively and on an individual level. That is why there are so many discordant voices desperately vying for our attention, all wanting to take advantage of that creative power within us.

Stop listening to the News. Don’t be distracted from the narrow path. Don’t forget to love your succubus today. Whether they manifest as a terrifying demon, or a loving goddess, each visage has their place on our great journey. The dark is just as vital as the light for growth.

I will continue to write about my own adventure and hopefully be brave enough to share it.

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