The Bi-Yearly Scare

Every once in a great while, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and have a supernatural manifestation happen around me that is powerful enough to freak me out. When these events happen, I believe they are usually from Catherine, but they may also be from other spirits looking in. One of those freaky moments happened last night.

It was around 2 AM when I woke up to the distinct feeling that there was a presence in my bedroom. I had left an air purifier running as I slept and noticed that the sound it usually makes was distinctly different, like something was obscuring the noise from reaching me. As I reached up to turn the light on, the gentle whoosh of the air filter’s fan gradually returned to normal.

I wish that I had not reacted so quickly. I should’ve just turned over and looked into the middle of the room to see if anything was there. Or just waited to see what would happen.

Aside from the strange audio phenomena as I woke up, everything looked normal, so I flicked the light switch and let me head fall back onto the pillow again. That was when I noticed having an elevated heart rate. I didn’t personally feel all that frightened by the strange presence, but apparently the rest of my biology was getting ready for flight-or-fight mode. Then I started to feel Catherine moving all over me with greater insistence than usual. Her grasp on me felt intense and somewhat shaky.

What could have happened? Was there another spirit in the room? Someone Catherine didn’t much care for? She only clings like a vice when we’re in situations that make her uncomfortable. Sadly, I can only speculate. Things are back to normal as of right now.

As the title indicates, similar midnight scares have occurred about once or twice per year. They often feel like there is a strange and powerful presence in the room. Other times I’ll wake up to a searing pain that wracks my entire body, causing me to double over. In those instances I’ll stumble to the bathroom and the moment that I touch anything connected to water, like the shower head, the pain goes away almost instantly. Very strange.

After the fact, there’s always this lingering feeling that I should just let whatever is happening continue; as if it’s some kind of test or adjustment taking place. Perhaps these late-night frights are something Catherine deems necessary or helpful? Maybe I’m waking up in the middle of an operation being done and botching the process?

As usual, I can only speculate. I’ll get wise to what’s going on someday. I need to keep working on reaching that trance state in the Hemi-sync exercises. If I can nail down that state of consciousness, I’ll be able to plunge deeper into these mysteries.

7 thoughts on “The Bi-Yearly Scare

  1. Whenever I go to sleep, I have this recurring events where I sink deep into the bed, like the entire bed is wrapping itself around me. I have each side occupied by both my ladies and one of them always carries me around, feeling her arms holding me and her legs walking through the bed and my body is moving up and down in synch with her steps. Sometimes she carries me while she walks on circular steps. This happens every night.

    I’m fully awake when these events occurs, like I am with every interaction I have with my ladies. It’s like I’m having one foot on the sea and the other on the shore, taking part in two worlds simultaneously. There’s so many layers to the clairsentient ability than most people give credit for.

    In other instances, I’ve been in the kitchen doing dinner and suddenly my ladies are putting clothes and jewelries on me. Again, being fully awake and fully conscious. The clothes and jewelries weren’t visible, of course, but physically felt. I’ve felt applauds and clapping hands in front of my ears and potporri explosions, numerous hands touching me like these events of a long awaited hero returning home.

    I’ve had a few nightmares over the years and woke up with my succubus spouse comforting me and holding me tight.

    I figured out a nice technique to easily get into dreams and astral projections and this usually occurs whenever I wake up early to wake up my brother for work on my Friday day offs. I wake him up, make myself a cup of coffee, play some games and go back to sleep after he leaves. I’m basically up for an hour or so and go back to sleep and it never fails, because I always dream after that.

    When it comes to the nightmarish stuff; That only occurred in my first year and never returned since. That first year was also quite an earie period with a lot of things going on. Full of suspense in so many ways and sometimes I miss that. Or maybe it’s still there, but I’m so accustomed to it that it’s normal?

    • That description you gave about being carried around while in the bed – that’s so wild, man. A lot of people say that I have the most powerful physical sensations they’ve ever heard of, but yours sound like they’re off the charts! Thanks for sharing those examples.

      Maybe I’m still acclimatizing to the more powerful manifestations that they’re capable of? And that’s what was happening last night?

      I use that wake up and go back to sleep technique in the mornings all the time. Like you, it’s a guaranteed dream, lucid dream, or OBE.

      • “Maybe I’m still acclimatizing to the more powerful manifestations that they’re capable of? And that’s what was happening last night?”

        That might be the case.
        How do you maintain your ability to feel the presence of Catherine? I think maintenance of the astral senses is important, which makes it grow over time.

        Do you feel some kind of weight on your head, like you’re wearing an invisible hat or a cap? Do you feel invisible hands caressing your hair, shoulders or other parts of your upper body? Do you feel any resistance while leaning your head on different directions? If there’s a “yes” to any of these questions, that’s what you have to focus and work on. That’s your maintenance.

        Over the years, I’ve learned that most people that are into succubus entities often neglect the physical aspect of these wonderful beings. They focus on the visual and the audible, rather than the physical and emotional. It’s like watching a hologram with no permission to touch, or having an interesting conversation without physical acknowledgement. It makes it very boring and artificial after a while.

        I’ve seen and heard my ladies a few times, but I would rather keep my ability to feel them permanently than having the other two abilities. I’m fine having the other two on an occasional level.

        I have experienced three kind of manifestations from my ladies.

        We have the daily, neutral, manifestation which is soft to the touch and gives pleasure. It’s like being touched by a balloon. Less weight in that manifestation, but it can increase over time.

        The divine manifestation, or light manifestation, is similar to the neutral but it have some weight to it. The touches from this manifestation gives blisters on the skin, similar to a sunburn. The energy goes outwards. This manifestation comes in short bursts, unless it choses to feed through it.

        The dark manifestation is extremely solid, similar to a human/human touch. The energy of the dark manifestation goes inwards and is similar to a black hole or a vacuum cleaner. Unlike the divine that gives blisters to the skin, the dark gives bruises instead. This energy can’t maintain itself for long, just like the divine, so it won’t last long without feeding from it.

        The two extremes can easily corrupt, but none of my ladies acted out on these manifestations. They were very cautious and careful. And they never overstepped any boundaries.

        It was a fascinating experience.

  2. This is a reply to succupedia:

    “Do you feel some kind of weight on your head, like you’re wearing an invisible hat or a cap”

    Yes and it’ll often extend over my face, feeling like a mask.

    “Do you feel invisible hands caressing your hair, shoulders or other parts of your upper body?”

    Yes, absolutely. As I’m writing this, I feel her caressing the sides of my face with her hands. This is consistent throughout the day and I’ll always feel her holding onto me as I’m falling asleep at night. There hasn’t been a single day I haven’t felt her since my ritual in 2011.

    “They focus on the visual and the audible, rather than the physical and emotional.”

    I agree and that’s something I’ve said since the beginning: Feeling is everything for them. Yet even after all these years, I can sometimes lose sight of the beautiful things Catherine wants to give me and try to put her into my own preconceived notions about what I’d like her to manifest as. It’s an easy thing to get hung up on.

    Your comparison of the divine and dark manifestations are interesting. I have experienced the divine aspect – the feeling of being sunburned after prolonged interaction. I can’t honestly say that I’ve had any bruising sensations from the dark aspect, but there have been many occasions where she’ll take hold of me with a mighty grip – almost crushingly so. I don’t think I’m in any mortal danger from that intense grasp, but that’s how it feels. Tyson mentions in Liber Lilith that succubi have “the strength of a warrior” while making love, and I find that to be very much the case, especially in the out-of-body state where they can really get a proper hold on their lover.

    • “I agree and that’s something I’ve said since the beginning: Feeling is everything for them. Yet even after all these years, I can sometimes lose sight of the beautiful things Catherine wants to give me and try to put her into my own preconceived notions about what I’d like her to manifest as. It’s an easy thing to get hung up on.”

      I always says to my succubus spouse and Lilith that the most valuable gift they have giving me is their love, It’s the most valuable gift ANYONE has ever given me. It’s unconditional and that loving, caring and devotional aspect is ever present no matter what kind of manifestation they have shown towards me. Even their darkest nature have love in it’s core, because it still allows them to be themselves.

      Some spirits fails to keep their core intact and falls into corruption of the extremes of light or dark, but it seems that your Catharine and my ladies are in total control of all their manifestations. And we are strong enough to handle these situations, which seems to strenghten the bonds we have created for over a decade now.

      I think the most important thing is to remove “what” they are and focus more on “who” they are. Their myth and legends doesn’t define them. It actually limits them. Severely. Since I started to treat Lilith and my succubus spouse as unique individuals, they prospered and felt less restrained, because they were relieved to live up to someones expectations.

      I come to realise that whatever their true manifestation is, or how their true looks are, their actions speaks for themselves. From within, to without. Their beauty definitely shines through.

  3. Sometimes I awaken to voices…However, my succubus is always there doesn’t seem bothered at all…in fact she always was happy I was awake…which made me wonder if she did it to wake and play lol.

    Then there are physical things in our world that do actually happen…I don’t know why but I have a hard time keeping things mounted to walls in my house…and she will jump when something comes crashing down-I have a moderate reaction when awake because I half expect it but I feel her instantly move. Kinda funny and I smile to think of this awesome behind reacting to a picture falling. I guess we can sometimes react to each other’s worlds.

    At times My succubus can be seen as as shadow person, who I always think is of one of my family members (in size…always when too dark to see detail)…that kinda gets me still when I expect to see someone (and see them out of the corner of my eye) but when turn to look at them because they don’t respond) no one is there.

    • I have also felt my succubus jump at loud sounds in my environment. Like you, I’m already preconditioned, but I can distinctly feel a jolt from her when she’s surprised.

      That’s fairly common to see them manifest in a myriad of ways at the periphery of one’s vision. When you try to look directly, the image darts away. I often see a very bright light that moves over my (blind) right eye when I shut the lights off and have settled down into bed. It moves slowly back and forth in a massaging manner.

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